Privacy Policy


When you visit our website, you entrust us with your personal data, which we process for specific purposes, but always with the aim of protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand what information we collect and for what purpose, and what we use it for.
The information set out in this document is very important to you because we have addressed issues related to the processing of personal data, especially in view of the content of the new provisions on personal data protection, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”. Therefore, in this document we inform you about the legal basis for the processing of personal data by the website, the methods of collecting and using them, as well as about the rights of data subjects related thereto.
It is important for us that you read this document.


What are personal data and what does processing mean?
Personal data are information about an identified or identifiable natural person. The processing of personal data covers any activity performed on personal data, whether or not automated, such as collection, storage, recording, organization, modification, reviewing, use, disclosure, restriction, deletion or destruction. We process your personal data as set out herein for various purposes, and the processing may involve different methods of collection, legal basis of the processing, use, disclosure and storage periods, which are always determined in relation to the purpose for which the data are processed by us.
When does this Privacy Policy apply?
This Privacy Policy applies to all cases in which we are the Personal Data Controller and we process personal data. This applies both to cases in which we process personal data collected directly from the data subject and to cases in which we have collected personal data from other sources.
How, on which legal basis and what type of personal data do we process?
In order to maintain transparency regarding the methods and legal bases of the processing of personal data and the purposes for which we process personal data, as the Data Controller we each time indicate the necessary information in this respect to each person whose personal data we process. Following the principle set out above, in this document we present a summary of personal data processing operations based on different legal bases of the processing, including whenever we indicate the legal basis of the processing based on the legitimate interest of the data controller, we try to analyze and balance our interest and the potential impact of the processing on the data subject (both positive and negative consequences of the processing) and the rights of the natural person under the law.
We declare that as the Data Controller we do not process personal data based on our legitimate interest in the event when we come to the conclusion that the impact on the data subject would outweigh our interests (in which case we may process personal data if, for example, we hold the appropriate consent or if this is required or permitted by law).


Data Controller
Fulfilling our legal obligation, we inform you that the Controller of Personal Data collected through the website is Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa with its registered office in Bramki at ul. Łódzka 41, 05-870 Błonie.
You have the right to contact us by sending us an e-mail to the following e-mail address:
We protect your privacy and have appointed a data protection officer, who you have the right to contact via e-mail ( in the event of any ambiguity regarding the processing of your personal data by us.
Categories of natural data subjects:
The personal data processed on this website relate to:
– natural persons (clients or potential clients) who contact us (contact form) in order to obtain information about an offer or to share comments on services or products, as well as who contact us in order to conclude a contract;
– natural persons (website users) who use information about the company, services/products made available on the website;
– natural persons (potential employees) who send applications for the currently conducted recruitment process via the application form.


A natural person who visits a website or uses services provided by electronic means always has control over the personal data that it provides to us. Our website is intended to limit the collection and use of information about its users to the necessary minimum, required to provide services to them at the desired level, pursuant to Article 18 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means.
Each time the purpose and scope of data processed by the Data Controller results from the necessary minimum connected with the need to provide services to the user in the following cases:
• adjusting the content of the website to the user’s expectations;
• analyzing the problems of server operation, preventing possible violations and ensuring the website security;
• analyzing website visit statistics, including analyzing demographic data of users visiting the website (information about the region and device from which the connection was made);
• the actions we take on your behalf (e.g. if you want to ask us a question, you may be requested to provide a specific scope of personal data).
1. Purpose of the collection of personal data
We collect your personal data for one of the purposes defined below:
• in order to adjust the content of the website to your needs and interests and to properly manage the website. To this end, we use cookies on our website (cookies policy), which allow us to recognize your device to properly display the website depending on the device or browser used to view the website, to create statistics that help us understand how users use the website, to identify violations and to ensure security of the website.
• in order to enable you to contact us (via the contact form) and provide you with a reliable answer depending on the content of the message sent. To achieve this, we ask you to provide us with different categories of data. We have tried to ensure that the scope of the collected data is adequate (appropriate) and above all minimum in relation to the purpose we want to achieve, understood as
– providing you with a commercial offer in the case of a request for proposal,
– consideration of the complaint, if submitted,
– other, depending on the content of the sent message,
• to request the contact from a sales representative;
• in order to apply for a job in the current recruitment process.
2. The scope of data processed by the website, depending on the purpose for which the data are processed, concern:
• website management, with respect to
– IP address;
– Device data and the type of browser used;
– Demographic data.
3. We may also process anonymized operating data related to your visit to our website (the so-called logs – IP address, domain name). These data are used by us to generate statistics helpful for website administration. These data are aggregated and anonymous, i.e. they do not contain features that identify the natural person – the user of the website – and Logs are not disclosed to third parties, with the reservation of the possibility of providing information on the IP address; the data of the website user, at the request of the entity authorized thereto under the applicable law, state authorities in connection with proceedings conducted by them.
4. Automatic processing of personal data
The information we collect in connection with the use of our online services/products made available on the website may be processed in an automated manner (including profiling), however, this will not give rise to any legal consequences for the natural person or similarly significantly affect its situation. We pay particular attention to profiling and point out that:
– for profiling purposes we do not process any sensitive data,
– for profiling purposes, we generally process data that were previously pseudonymized or aggregated by us
– if we cannot achieve the purpose in any manner other than by profiling personal data that are not pseudonymized or aggregated, we use typical data for this purpose: e-mail address and IP address or cookies
– we profile to analyze or forecast personal preferences and interests of users of our website or products or services, and to customize the content of our website,
– we profile for marketing purposes, i.e. to adjust the marketing offer to web preferences.
5. Recipients of data
We do not make personal data available to companies, organizations or natural persons from outside Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa unless one of the following circumstances occurs:
• The user has agreed to such an action – in such a case we make personal data available to companies, organizations and individuals from outside the Capital Group, if the user agrees thereto.
• There are legal reasons, in which case we make personal data available to companies, organizations and third parties if we find in good faith that making available, use, preservation or disclosure of the data is reasonable for the purpose of:
– striving to comply with the requirements of applicable law, regulations, legal processes or legally binding requests of state institutions;
– enforcing the applicable Terms of Use of the website (website regulations), including investigation of potential violations;
– monitoring traffic on the website, time spent, etc.;
– detecting and preventing fraud, as well as addressing other problems concerning fraud, security and technical issues;
– protecting property rights or safety of the Data Controller, users of the website and other persons in a manner required or permitted by law.
6. Change of the purpose of processing
We do not plan that, but we cannot rule it out. We know for sure that if the purpose of processing your data changes, we will inform you about it, so that you can be aware of and exercise your rights.


The following precondition is the legal basis for the processing of personal data:
• processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6 (1)(b)) of the GDPR). This basis refers to the data collected via the contact form that has been made available on our website. In this case, providing personal data is necessary to carry out on your request a specific activity in accordance with the purpose of processing, e.g., if you do not provide us with your e-mail address, we will not be able to respond to your inquiry in accordance with the content of the sent message.
We ask you not to use the contact form to provide information from specific categories of personal data (such as information on race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health information, genetic data, biometric data, information on sexual life or sexual orientation and criminal history). If you provide such information for any reason, we declare that as the Data Controller, in order to ensure transparency of data processing for a specific purpose, we will remove such content of the message, which we will report to you to the indicated e-mail address.
• Your consent to the presentation of services and products and to the provision of commercial information on services and products by electronic means, in particular by e-mail, in relation to the sent inquiry (Article 6 (1)(a) of the GDPR);
• Your consent to the processing of certain categories of data always for a specific purpose, which we ask you to provide (Article 6 (1)(a) of the GDPR), e.g. consent to the processing of data in the recruitment process in which you apply.
• the need to implement the legitimate purposes of the Data Controller (Article 6 (1)(f) of the GDPR), as expressed through:
– website management,
– exchange of information on users between entities within the Capital Group,
– adjusting its content to your needs and expectations, and
– ensuring the security of your data in cyberspace.


Our aim is to protect you from negative consequences of the processing of your personal data. To this end, we have tried to optimize the storage time of your data collected through the website. We have determined that time:
a. in the event that the Data Controller processes personal data on the basis of the consent, the processing period lasts until the withdrawal of this consent by the user or the end of the purpose for which they were collected;
b. in the case when the Data Controller processes personal data on the basis of legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the period of processing lasts until the cessation of the aforementioned interest (e.g. the period of limitation of civil law claims) or until the moment of objection of the data subject to further such processing – in situations when such objection is due under the provisions of law;
c. in the event that the Data Controller processes personal data because it is necessary in accordance with the applicable law, the periods of data processing for this purpose are determined by such law (for example, it is the obligation under the law to store the User’s Personal Data for a longer period of time or if the User’s Personal Data are required for bringing legal charges or defense against legal charges, the company will retain the User’s Personal Data until the end of the relevant storage period or until such charges are resolved);
d. in the absence of specific legal or contractual requirements, the basic storage period for data in the case of records and other documentary evidence drawn up in the course of performance of the contract for a maximum of 10 years.


Cookies are small text information in the form of text files, sent by a server and stored on the website by a visitor (e.g. on a computer, laptop hard drive or smartphone memory card – depending on which device the visitor uses to visit our website).
Detailed information about cookies and the circumstances in which they were created can be found here: GDPR


It is worth knowing what are your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:
• You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, which will result in the cessation of the processing of personal data processed on the basis of your consent. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of personal data processing based on the provided consent before its withdrawal. This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to:
• You have the right to request the deletion (right to be forgotten) of your personal data from IT systems and files. This right will be exercised by the Controller, unless the Controller is legally obliged to maintain, and thus process the data, despite the introduction of the right to be forgotten. This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to:
• You have the right to access your data (request a copy of the data). This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to:
• You have the right to rectify (update) the data. Please be informed that updating the data will not remove the data before the update, which is related to the obligation to maintain consistency of data processed by the Controller for a specific purpose. This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to:
• You have the right to restrict the processing, including the right to object to the processing of data, referring to a specific situation. Please be informed that the indicated right will be implemented by the Controller only if the performance of a specific action is not contrary to the applicable law, which obliges the Controller to process the data. This right can be exercised by sending an e-mail to:
• Additionally, you have the right to transfer your data from the IT systems to the indicated entity and to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Office about the activities of the Data Controller in the processing of personal data.


We make every effort to protect users from unauthorized access, unauthorized modification, disclosure and destruction of information held by Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa with its registered office in Bramki at ul. Łódzka 41, 05-870 Błonie, in particular:
• we use SSL encryption;
• we control our information collection, storage and processing methods, including physical security measures, in order to provide protection against unauthorized access to the system;
• we only grant access to personal data to employees, contractors and representatives who must have access to such data in order to process it for our purposes. In addition, they are obliged under the contract to keep strict confidentiality,
• and may suffer consequences in the event of failure to comply with these obligations, including termination of cooperation.


If you have any questions, concerns or doubts about the content of this Privacy Policy or the method of processing of personal data, or if you have any complaints about it (although we hope you will not have to make any such complaints), please send us an e-mail with details of your complaint to:
Any complaints we receive will be considered and replied to.
Naturally, we do not limit contact with us and allow direct contact at the registered office of Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa, and letter contact (mail) or telephone contact and for this purpose we provide the following contact details:
Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa
Ul. Łódzka 41, Bramki, 05-870 Błonie


This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. Your rights under the Privacy Policy will not be limited without your express consent. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on this website, and we will notify you of material changes in a more visible manner (including, for certain services, sending an appropriate e-mail notification). We also retain previous versions of this Privacy Policy in our archives to enable users to read them.

This document was last updated on 03/20/2019.

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ul. Łódzka 41, Bramki 05-870 Błonie

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Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski - logotyp

Jaworski Vegetable Drying Plant
Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa


+48 22 725 60 02

ul. Łódzka 41, Bramki
05-870 Błonie, Poland