Quality policy

Our company policy is based on four principles and is being introduced through strategic objectives implementation and empowerment of our employees, stakeholders and local communities through:


Our priority is to make sure that the quality of our products is meeting our customer’s expectations and safety regulations on every production stage “from field to fork” in all company operations. Through the implementation of a holistic approach to quality management and food safety we assure:
• observing the laws and contract obligations towards customers;
• maintaining effective communication (internal and external) connected with the safety and quality of the manufactured products;
• executing purchases from qualified suppliers guaranteeing safety and an appropriate quality of the supplied products;
• constant monitoring of parameters affecting the quality and safety of the manufactured food;
• appropriate hygienic standards at all the stages of the manufacturing, storage and distribution processes;
• increasing the staff’s awareness of food safety;
• continuous improvement of the implemented system of managing food safety and quality.



We care about the natural environment through:
• identify, update and observe requirements arising out of legal provisions regarding environmental protection as well as provisions in this respect specified by self-government administration;
• identify significant environmental issues and specify principles of their monitoring and inspection;
• specify environmental objectives and tasks as well as their modifications and inspections;
• use raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and water in a rational way;
• prevent environmental disasters and non-conformity to environmental provisions as well as react and undertake corrective actions in case of their occurrence;
• develop awareness of the management personnel and employees of Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski Sp. J. in order to promote eco-friendly behaviour and improve preventive measures against environmental pollution;
• continuously improve and prevent pollution.


Company business ethics objectives are fulfilled by:
• act in accordance with the rule of law by observing legal provisions and social standards;
• follow loyalty, impartiality and fairness principles within both internal and external relationships;
• compete in a fair way with other companies from the industry without undermining their reputation;
• develop partner relationships with suppliers and clients (by observing the rule “win-win” consequently);
• identify, prevent and oppose to all corrupt actions within internal (nepotism) and external relationships;
• oppose all acts of discrimination and violation of human rights (irrespective of skin colour, nationality, gender, religion and political views);
• act in accordance with a rule of political neutrality and thoroughly fulfil all liabilities and obligations towards offices, banks and organizations from the business environment.


The friendly and safe work environment is ensured by:
• identify, update and observe requirements arising out of occupational health and safety provisions;
• perform systematic identification and analysis of occupational hazards and risks and take actions leading to the decrease in accidents;
• eliminate or minimize the risk of hazards for health or life of employees with the use of appropriate working methods;
• take actions leading to accident prevention, including accidents during work, incidents and occupational diseases;
• raise qualifications and awareness of employees in respect of OHS in order to promote safe behaviour and ensure safety of our Clients, subcontractors, suppliers and other persons staying on our premises;
• continuously improve work environment and prevent hazards.

The Jaworski Vegetable Drying Plant has the following certificates:

ul. Łódzka 41, Bramki 05-870 Błonie

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Suszarnia Warzyw Jaworski - logotyp

Jaworski Vegetable Drying Plant
Spółka Akcyjna Spółka Komandytowa


+48 22 725 60 02


ul. Łódzka 41, Bramki
05-870 Błonie, Poland